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COVID-19 Policies & Procedures

Saint David’s Day School has created the following policies and procedures in order to keep our Saint David’s Day School children, teachers, and families as safe as possible during the continued COVID-19 crisis.  The guidelines from the Maryland State Department of Education, the Office of Child Care, and Centers for Disease Control have been closely adhered to. All of these organizations will be closely monitored for changes in their suggestions and Saint David’s Day School will adjust our policies accordingly.


Policy 1: Stopping the Spread of COVID-19

  1. Saint David’s Day School will follow the Office of Child Care guidelines.

  2. The children at Saint David’s Day School will be monitored each day for symptoms of COVID-19.

  3. Children who have family members diagnosed with COVID-19 will be required to stay home.


Policy 2: Parent Drop-off and Pick-up

  1. Staff of Saint David’s Day School will meet parents or guardians at the designated entry way for drop-off and pick-up. Staff will walk children to their classrooms.

  2. Symptom checks will be performed at arrival. Parents will complete a Health Screen on Brightwheel every morning before drop-off.  

  3. All children will be signed in and out daily using the Brightwheel Program (App).


Policy 3: Temperature Check

  1. Children’s temperatures will be checked by Saint David’s Day School staff prior at arrival. 

  2. Temperatures will be logged daily.

  3. A child with a temperature of 100.4 and above my not attend school and a doctor’s note will be required for readmittance.


Policy 4: Handwashing and Cleaning

  1. Saint David’s Day School Teachers will monitor frequent handwashing for proper procedures throughout the day especially upon arrival, after outdoor play, before snack or lunch, after using the bathroom, and after other situations that require handwashing. 


Policy 5: Face Coverings

  1. All adults will always wear proper masks indoors at Saint David’s Day School. Masks may be removed outdoors if social distancing can be maintained.

  2. Children over the age of 2 should wear masks indoors. Saint David’s Day School Teachers will work to ensure the safe wearing of masks in the school. During outdoor activities masks may be removed. 


Policy 6: Equipment and Supplies

  1. A supply of PPE items, non-contact thermometers, handwashing and cleaning supplies will be maintained. A limited number of disposable masks will be available in an emergency.


Policy 7: Cleaning and Disinfecting

  1. Following the guidelines of the Office of Child Care, and the EPA, cleaning and disinfection will be done multiple times per day, in a safe manner, away from children. Saint David’s Day School has invested in a very safe, EPA proven effective against COVID-19 disinfectant and sanitizer called Force of Nature. 


Policy 8: Social Distance

  1. Drop-off and pick-up times will be staggered to allow for social distance. Notice will be given with specific details for each class’s arrival and departure times with the location.

  2. Saint David’s Day School has made a concerted effort to keep our class sizes small. Each class will maintain contact with only those within their age group. 

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